What is metadata ?

Metadata is data that provides context and information about the processed experimental data. Comprehensive metadata for experimental data is at the cornerstone of the FAIR Principles which aim to ensure research data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.

DATTES aims to facilitate the metadata sharing in the energy storage field by providing tools for experimentators in order to ease metadata creation and sharing. The comprehensive metadata structure proposed in DATTES should help energy storage data analyst to analyse and reuse high quality data.

How metadata is structured in DATTES ?

Metadata in DATTES is structured in two levels (sections and fields). At the first level there are five sections: test, cell, cycler, chamber and regional. Each section has some fields that can be text or numeric. There are no mandatory sections or fields. The full metadata structure is described below:

  1. test: general information about the test
    • institution (text): University or Center name
    • laboratory (text): Laboratory name
    • experimenter (text): person in charge of tests
    • datetime (text): date and time of test
    • temperature (numeric): ambient temperature (Celsius)
    • purpose (text): brief description of the test
  2. cell: general information about the cell under test
    • id (text): cell’s unique identifier
    • brand (text): manufacturer or brand
    • model (text): cell model
    • max_voltage (numeric): maximum voltage
    • min_voltage (numeric): minimum voltage
    • nom_voltage (numeric): nominal voltage
    • nom_capacity (numeric): nominal capacity (Ah)
    • max_dis_current_cont (numeric): maximum continuous discharging current (A)
    • max_cha_current_cont (numeric): maximum continuous charging current (A)
    • min_temperature (numeric): minimum cell operating temperature (Celsius)
    • max_temperature (numeric): maximum cell operating temperature (Celsius)
    • geometry (text): cell format (pouch, prismatic or cylindrical)
    • dimensions (numeric array): LxWxH if pouch or prismatic, DxL if cylindrical (mm)
    • weight (numeric): cell weight (grams)
    • cathode (text): cell cathode materials
    • anode (text): cell anode materials
  3. cycler: general information and performance of the used cycler
    • brand (text): cycler brand
    • model (text): cycler model
    • voltage_resolution (numeric): voltage measurement resolution (V)
    • current_resolution (numeric): current measurement resolution (A)
    • temperature_resolution (numeric): current measurement resolution (Celsius)
    • min_voltage (numeric): minimum cycler voltage
    • max_voltage (numeric): maximum cycler voltage
    • max_discharging_current (numeric): maximum cycler discharging current
    • max_charging_current (numeric): maximum cycler charging current
    • cell_voltage_name (text): variable name for cell voltage measurement
    • cell_temperature_name (text): variable name for temperature measurement
  4. chamber: general information and performance of the used climatic chamber
    • brand (text): chamber brand
    • model (text): chamber model
    • min_temperature_capability (numeric): minimum temperature (Celsius)
    • max_temperature_capability (numeric): maximum temperature (Celsius)
  5. regional: regional settings (no yet used)
    • date_format (text): string specifying date format
    • time_format (text): string specifying time format

NOTE: Some metadata may help DATTES to perform better. For example, max_voltage, min_voltage and nom_capacity can be used to detect full charges / full discharges, SoC references, etc. In many cases, you can add this information to avoid the need for configuration scripts.

How metadata is shared ?

Metadata are stored in JSON formatted text, file extension is .meta.

How metadata is read ?

Metadata files are systematically processed by DATTES during data preparation for analysis steps, more specifically during the second step of the DATTES workflow: structure files for analysis.

The main function behind this operation is metadata_collector, its role is to collect and make a synthesis of all the .meta files which are in the file structure of the processed experimental file.

Once all the .meta files are collected, their content is read and a synthesis of the metadata in the file structure is made. A bottom over top priority is given to metadata fields, meaning that if two metadata files provides incompatibles information in a specific field it is the one in the subfolder which will be considered.


Consider the following file structure:

 [drwx------]  battery_tests
├── [drwx------]  inr18650
├── [-rwx------]  inr18650.meta
│   ├── [drwx------]  checkup_tests
│   ├── [-rwx------]  checkup_tests.meta
│   │   ├── [drwx------]  cell1
│   │   ├── [-rwx------]  cell1.meta
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190102_1230_initial_checkup.csv
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190102_1230_initial_checkup.meta
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190202_1230_intermediary.csv
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190202_1230_intermediary.meta
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190302_1230_intermediary.csv
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190302_1230_intermediary.meta
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190402_1230_final.csv
│   │   │   └── [-rwx------]  20190402_1230_final.meta
│   │   ├── [drwx------]  cell2
│   │   ├── [-rwx------]  cell2.meta
│   │   ├── [drwx------]  cell3
│   │   └── [-rwx------]  cell3.meta
│   ├── [drwx------]  cycling_tests
│   │   ├── [drwx------]  cell1
│   │   │   ├── [-rwx------]  20190103_1230_cycling.csv
│   │   │   └── [-rwx------]  20190103_1230_cycling.meta
│   │   ├── [drwx------]  cell2
│   │   └── [drwx------]  cell3
│   └── [-rwx------]  cycling_tests.meta
├── [drwx------]  lfp26650
├── [-rwx------]  lfp26650.meta

In the example above, data is organised as follows:

  • first level: battery technology (subfolder inr18650 or lfp26650)
  • second level: test type (subfolder checkup_tests or cycling_tests)
  • third level: cell number (subfolder cell1, cell2 or cell3)
  • fourth level: data (.csv files)

When DATTES is used to process battery_tests/inr18650/checkup_tests/cell1/20190302_1230_intermediary.csv, metadata_collector will look for the following metadata files :

  1. battery_tests.meta
  2. battery_tests/inr18650.meta
  3. battery_tests/inr18650/checkup_tests.meta
  4. battery_tests/inr18650/checkup_tests/cell1.meta
  5. battery_tests/inr18650/checkup_tests/cell1/20190302_1230_intermediary.meta

The metadata files will be processed according to the above sequence and for each metadata file, if a field correspond to an already existing one, it will be processed and will overwrite the existing field. In this way, common metadata for a family of tests can be written just once, at the corresponding level.

For example

  • battery_tests may contain institution and laboratory names.
  • inr18650.meta may contain general characteristics of the cell, cycler, etc.
  • checkup_tests may contain test purpose, ambient temperature, etc.
  • 20190302_1230_intermediary.meta may contain test experimenter, and other details

Of course, all metadata could be included just at the last level (e.g. 20190302_1230_intermediary.meta). But in this case, all information must be written in each .meta file beside each .csv file. It’s up to the person in charge of writting metadata to choose which option is more convenient.

How to write metadata files ?

Method 1 : The personalised structure

You can manually create a metadata file with the comprehensive structure described above. To adapt the structure to your needs you can edit the metadata_example script and uncomment/modify some lines:

edit metadata_example.m

You can then save this script with a new name and run it to get a metadata structure in the current workspace.

Finally, you can save this metadata in a .meta file with metadata_json_export:

metadata_json_export('your_filename.meta', metadata)

As described above, you may choose to write some metadata concerning a folder (family of tests) or a file (individual test). Then your .meta file should be placed beside a folder or a file with the same same (excluding extensions).

Method 2 : The DATTES structure

You can use metadata_form.


This script will ask you some questions about your data in four steps (test, cell, equipment, other) . At the beginning of each section (test, cell, equipment, other) you can skip the section by answering “No” (“N”). Inside each section, you fill each field or you can skip them (empty answers mean ignored fields).

After that, you will be asked to save the created metadata struct in a .meta file. If you choose so, you can choose either to apply metadata to a whole folder, or to a single file. A .meta file with the same name of the chosen folder or file will be created. This will help to keep a consistent data+metadata structure for metadata_collector as described above.

Otherwise, if you do not choose to save the metadata into a .meta file, you can get the variable metadata in the current workspace, for verification and/or modification before saving it.

Finally, you can manually save this metadata in a .meta file with metadata_json_export (in the same way of method 1):

metadata_json_export('your_filename.meta', metadata)