By default, DATTES results are stored in *.mat files, each containing a result structure composed of the following fields :
- profiles
- eis
- phases
- metadata
- configuration
This format may not be suitable for further use with other software. To ease softwares interoperability, the function dattes_export have been developed. This function enable export of the DATTES processed data into other file formats such as .csv or .json
This function dattes_export. is called as follows : dattes_export(dattes_struct, options, file_out)
The following sections describe how to export each input of dattes_export.
DATTES profiles structure contains time dependent vectors (measurements). Generally, the profiles struct contains the following vectors:
- t (nx1 double): test time from 1/1/2000 (s)
- U (nx1 double): cell voltage (V)
- I (nx1 double): cell current (A)
- m (nx1 double): cycler mode (1 = CC, 2=CV, 3 = rest, 4 = EIS, 5 = random profile)
- T (nx1 double): cell or ambient temperature (°C)
- dod_ah (nx1 double): Depth of discharge (Ah)
- soc (nx1 double): State of charge (%)
DATTES eis structure contains measurements for each EIS test. Data is organised into cells (mx1 for m EIS measurements). Generally, an eis structure contains the following fields:
- t (mx1 cell): test time in seconds from 1/1/2000.
- U (mx1 cell): cell voltage (V)
- I (mx1 cell): cell current (A)
- m (mx1 cell): cycler mode (1 = CC, 2=CV, 3 = rest, 4 = EIS, 5 = random profile)
- ReZ (mx1 cell): real part of impedance (Ohm)
- ImZ (mx1 cell): imaginary part of impedance (Ohm)
- f (mx1 cell): frequency (Hz)
- Iavg (mx1 cell): Average current (A) in GEIS
- Iamp (mx1 cell): Current amplitude (A) in GEIS
With dattes_export you can export your results (or a part of them) to .csv, .json, etc. Several ways are available:
- Export result struct:
- Export mat file:
- Export mat file list:
- Export mat files in folder:
First letter of options defines which part of the results will be exported:
- ‘A’ = All : export all the data
- ‘P’ = Profiles : export the profiles
- ‘E’ = EIS : export the EIS
- ‘p’ = phases : export the phases
- ‘M’ = Metadata : export the metadata
- ‘C’ = Configuration : export the configuration
Second letter of options defines the target file type:
- ‘j’ = export to json
- ‘c’ = export to csv (not available for metadata and configuration
- ‘s’ = export to M-file script (just available for metadata and configuration
Finally, a third letter can be added to options:
- ‘m’ = include metadata in profiles,eis, and phases export