
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy analysis definition

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is an electrochemical technique to measure the impedance of a system in dependence of the AC potentials frequency.

Analysis preparation

DATTES is called as follows : [result]=dattes(XML_file,'action','configuration_file'). Before any analysis, it is then necessary to create the XML and configuration files.

The section Import cycler files explains how to create the XML file.

The section Create a configuration file explains how to create a configuration file.

Anomaly detection

##Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy analysis

To analyze the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests, the action ‘c’ should be used :

[result] = dattes(XML_file,'cvs','cfg_file');

The outputs will be :

Output field Array Unit Description
result eis t s
result eis U V
result eis I A
result eis m
result eis ReZ Ohm
result eis ImZ Ohm
result eis f Hz

Code for vizualization

To visualize the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, the action ‘Ge’ should be used :

[result] = dattes(XMLfile,'Ge');

The graph should look like


Methodology and Hypothesis


EIS is processed in function extract_eis from extract_profiles

Key quantities for the calculation

The two key parameters for the identification of the eis are :

  • config.test.Uname,
  • config.test.Tname.

Assumptions and possible simplifications

No major assumptions or simplifications have been made

Contribute to eis analysis

A list of open issues related to eis calculation and visualization may be available here