New DATTES Software Paper

Our software paper has been accepted for publication in SoftwareX (Elsevier B.V.). This paper describes DATTES’ general features and workflow at the current release (DATTES 23.05). Of course, this paper is freely available, published as open-access under Creative Commons License (CC-BY 4.0). If you use DATTES in your work, please cite our paper : Eduardo Redondo-Iglesias, Marwan Hassini, Pascal Venet and Serge Pelissier, DATTES: Data analysis tools for tests on energy storage, SoftwareX, Volume 24, 2023, 101584, ISSN 2352-7110, https://doi. [Read More]

DATTES 23.05 Release!

We are happy to announce the new release of DATTES on gitlab Major new features Easy introduction to the use of DATTES: Main dattes function splitted into four steps + 1 tool: (step 1) dattes_import: convert raw data to xml (step 2) dattes_structure: read xml/json/csv/mat files and convert them to DATTES structures (step 3) dattes_configure: detect the appropriated phases for each analysis method (step 4) dattes_analyse: perform analysis (capacity, resistance, impedance, pseudo-OCV, OCV by points, ICA) (tool) dattes_plot: visualise the results of each step Automatic detection of max/min voltage and capacity Metadata management: Add metadata to an experiment of a folder of experiments by using *. [Read More]

DATTES 22.06 Release!

The first official release of DATTES have been released on 2022-06-22 : Link Release highlights: Full migration from old project named RPT (Reference Performance Tests) Code review: English translation (variable and function names, help in functions) Coding style (snake_case) Added documentation on each file (MATLAB help comments) Result restructuring on single structure (one single result file) Tests on following environments: Linux (ubuntu 20.04) + MATLAB (R2021a) Linux (ubuntu 20. [Read More]

EVS35-New conference paper !

A new paper using DATTES have been published for EVS35 conference. The article is entitled " Second Life Batteries in a Mobile Charging Station: Model Based Performance Assessment”. Authors are Marwan Hassini, Eduardo Redondo-Iglesias , Pascal Venet, Sylvain Gillet and Younes Zitouni. The publication is available here : The experimental data are available here : And the datapaper describing this dataset is available here : DATTES release used for this article : DATTES 22. [Read More]

DATTES is out !

Good news! The first official release of DATTES is now out ! After finalizing some improvement on code quality including checking coding style, reviewing code documentation and unit testing of all general functionalities, we have decided to release the first DATTES version. This DATTES version works perfectly fine under MATLAB/linux environment and have been used in this recent publication. In a MATLAB/windows or in an Octave environment, you can already use most DATTES features including : [Read More]

VEHLIB is open-source

VEHLIB software is another software developped by the Eco7 team.

It is an hybrid vehicle simulation tool based on a block diagram description associated with principles from Bond-Graph theory.

A Backward approach proposes energy management strategy based on DP and PMP principles.

VEHLIB is available on gitlab :

Site creation

The first version of this website have been made and published.