Profiles, phases and modes

To facilitate and accelerate the analysis, DATTES structures an experimental file according to three elements : the profiles, the modes and the phases.

Profiles are the vectors containing the most important physical quantities for an energy storage system : the time t, the voltage U, the current I and the temperature T.

Modes are the categories used for classifying experimental points according to the classic motif found in the energy storage field. Five different modes have been defined. Mode 1 is used for experimental point belonging to a constant current motif. Motif 2 is for the ones belonging to a constant voltage motif. Motif 3 is for rest experimental points. Motif 4 is used for experimental points belonging to an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy motif. Finally, motif 5 is used to identify a usage profile such as a WLTC profile.

Phases are identifying the different motifs of a test, that is to say the portions where the mode is constant.

How to use DATTES for structuring data ?

DATTES will structure your data if you run dattes_import :

result = dattes_import(file_in, options, destination_folder, read_mode)

% dattes_import - DATTES Import function
% This function read .xml (or .json, or .csv) files, read metadata files
% (.meta) and performs some basic calculations (which_mode, split_phases,
% calcul_soc). The results are given as output and can be stored in mat
% files.
% Usage:
% result = dattes_import(file_in)
% - read single file (json, csv, or xml), default options
% result = dattes_import(file_in, 's')
% - read single file, MAT file will be saved beside file_in (same pathname, different extension)
% result = dattes_import(file_in,options,destination_folder)
% - read single file, MAT file will be saved in destination_folder
% result = dattes_import(file_list,...)
% - read each file in file_list, result is [mx1 cell struct]
% result = dattes_import(source_folder,options,destination_folder, read_mode)
% - read each file in source_folder result is [mx1 cell struct],
% read_mode must be specified ('json', 'csv' or 'xml')
% Inputs:
% - file_in [1xp string]: filename to read , or
% - file_list [mx1 cell string]: file list to read, or
% - source_folder [1xp string]: source folder to search files to read
% - options [1xn string]:
%    - 'S': run calcul_soc (default if no soc vector is in file_in)
%    - 'm': run which_mode (default if no mode vector is in file_in)
%    - 'v': verbose, tell what you do
%    - 's': save result(s) in mat file(s)
%    - 'f': force, read file_in even if mat file exists, otherwise read mat file instead
%    - 'u': update, read if mat file exists but is older than file_in
% - destination_folder [1xp string]: folder to store mat files.
%     If not given, mat files will be stored beside file_in
% - read_mode [1x3 or 1x4 string]: needed if source_folder, optional if not
%    - xml: read xml files
%    - json: read json files
%    - csv: read csv files
% Output:
% - result [1x1 struct] DATTES result structure
% - result [mx1 cell struct] DATTES result cell structure if multiple files read
% See also dattes_export
% Copyright 2015 DATTES_Contributors <> .
% For more information, see the <a href="matlab: 
% web('')">DATTES License</a>.

What are the functions behind data structure ?

dattes_import relies on three important functions :